Software Testing
🌏👉 Test case generator (pairwise)
📖👉 Test Heuristics Cheat Sheet
📀👉 faker-cli: generate massive amounts of fake data
📀👉 Radamsa: Radamsa is a test case generator for robustness testing, a.k.a. a fuzzer
📀👉 Ruby Pairwise: Ruby based tool for selecting a smaller number of test input combinations
🌏👉 Name: all about name
🌏👉 Big List of Naughty Strings: list of strings which have a high probability of causing issues
🌏👉 Awesome Unicode: Unicode list
🌏👉 SecLists: a collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments
🌏👉 Large images: a list of very large images above 50 Megapixel
🌏👉 MailSlurp: send and receive emails from randomly generated addresses via REST.
🌏👉 Mockaroo: realistic data generator
Mobile Testing
🌏👉 Test coverage optimizer: discover the optimal mix for maximizing your test coverage with the fewest devices possible
📦👉 GlassWire: monitor app data usage
📦👉 TesterKey: generate complex and randomised input values
📀👉 Selendroid: test automation framework which drives of the UI of Android native and hybrid applications apps
Web Testing
📖👉 Headless Browser list: a list of (almost) all headless web browsers in existence
🌏👉 Performance Budget Calculator: calculate a performance budget for your site
🌏👉 TicketMagpie OWASP Top10 demo
📀👉 Galen Framework: testing layout and responsive design of web applications
📀👉 Serenity/JS: a node.js library designed to make acceptance and regression testing of modern web applications faster
📀👉 capybara: acceptance test framework for web applications
🌏👉 JSON Test: JSON Testing Service
🌏👉 API tester: test API
🌏👉 Webpagetest: test a website’s performance
Dev Tools
🌏👉 PutsReq: record HTTP requests and fake responses
📖👉 The Ultimate DevOps Tools Ecosystem
🌏👉 regex101
🌏👉 iHateRegex: regex Cheat Sheet
🌏👉 rubular
📦👉 Postman
📀👉 Truffle Dog: searches through git repositories for high entropy strings, digging deep into commit history and branches
📀👉 HTTPie: a CLI, cURL-like tool for humans
📀👉 Slate: API doc generator
📀👉 git-also: for a file in your git repository, prints other files that are most often committed together
📀👉 mitmproxy
📀👉 Tesseract.js
💻👉 asciinema: record and share terminal sessions
🌏👉 Web Code Tools: code generator
🌏👉 JSON generator: JSON generator
🌏👉 For a Good Strftime: easy date time formatting
🌏👉 Pingy: the simple frontend build tool
🌏👉 Boilerform: Generic input fields with variations for size, placeholders and validation states.
🌏👉 jq play: a playground for jq
🌏👉 Request Map Generator: identify 3rd-parties on your site
🌏👉 What Does My Siet Cost?: find out how much it costs for someone to use your site on mobile networks around the world.
🌏👉 TIO: Try It Online. TIO is a family of online interpreters for an evergrowing list of practical and recreational programming languages.
🌏👉 Hackvertor: A tag-based conversion tool that supports various escapes and encodings including HTML5 entities, hex, octal, unicode, url encoding etc.
🌏👉 Check HTTP: Check website availability and performance with responses from many servers in various countries.
🌏👉 Cron Prompt: Convert English text into cron expressions.
🌏👉 Writefull: Use artificial intelligence to correct grammar, punctuation, word use
Method & Mode
👉 Cynefin Framework for user story splitting
👉 The ultimate cheat sheet for critical thinking
🌏👉 Shodan: search engine for Internet-connected devices
🌏👉 Pexels: best free stock photos in one place
🌏👉 StartupVideos: showcasing The Best Startup Videos
🌏👉 Landingfolio: landing page design inspiration
🌏👉 videovo: free stock video footage
🌏👉 Mankier: collection of online man pages
🌏👉 BBC Sound Effects: 16,000 BBC sound effects are made available by the BBC
🌏👉 Keyword Tool: search for the keywords
🌏👉 Project Gutenberg: free books
🌏👉 Wayback: Internet archive
🌏👉 Buy to rent: Should you buy a house and rent it out?
🌏👉 Outline: read & annotate website
🌏👉 Yarn: Search by word or pharse for TV, movies, and music clips
🌏👉 Onion Links: Awesome Onion Links
🌏👉 A Good Movie to Watch: TV and movies recommendation
🌏👉 Forvo: Words pronunciations
🌏👉 memegine: The internet meme search engine
🌏👉 FindThatMeme: Search millions of memes from across the web in seconds. You can search by text in the meme, or by providing a meme you want to find similar memes to
🌏👉 PinataHub: PinataHub allows you to explore a fraction of the 4M+ passwords and secrets committed in public GitHub repositories
🌏👉 Greynoise: Malicious IP lookup
🌏👉 Tip of My Tongue: Find that word that you’ve been thinking about all day but just can’t seem to remember
🌏👉 Explore AI generated designs, images, art and prompts by top community artists and designers
🌏👉 Internet intelligence apps that provide accurate technical information on IP addresses, domain names, websites, web applications, IoT devices, and other online assets.
📀👉 generate social sharing buttons
🌏👉 Excel to Jira table: copy and paste a table from Excel, click the button, and in return you will get the table formatted for JIRA
🌏👉 Colormind: Colormind is a deep learning AI that knows color theory. It can generate color palettes from scratch, or it can take your input and intelligently fill in the blanks.
🌏👉 Color palette: get colors from photos
🌏👉 Smartmockups: create product screenshots with mocks
🌏👉 Landscape: streamlined image resizing for social media
🌏👉 Coolors: fast color schemes generator
🌏👉 Colour Lovers: share color ideas & inspiration
🌏👉 Color Hunt: free and open platform for color inspiration with thousands of trendy hand-picked color palettes
🌏👉 archetype: create consistent typography styling and spacing live
🌏👉 The Idea Generator: boost the quantity and quality of innovated idea.
🌏👉 Uni-pretty: turn boring plain text into pretty unicode characters.
🌏👉 GradPad: generate gradient CSS
🌏👉 dtstyle: a darktable styles repository
🌏👉 Dryicons: icons
🌏👉 Fugue: free music for videos
🌏👉 Moose: stock photos
🌏👉 Photepea: online photoshop
🌏👉 Emoji Builder: build emoji
🌏👉 FontDrop!: analyze what’s inside a font file
🌏👉 CSS Reference: free visual guide to CSS
🌏👉 Picsum: the Lorem Ipsum for photos.
🌏👉 unDraw: open-source illustrations
🌏👉 Delesign: illustrations
🌏👉 Mage: stable diffusion
🌏👉 get rid of the watermarks from your images using our powerful AI technology
🌏👉 a quick and easy way to check http headers
🌏👉 Online Requirements Checker: Python requirements checker
🌏👉 Beeceptor: Rest API mocking and intercepting
🌏👉 CloudSecDocs: a website collecting technical notes, how-tos, and cheatsheets related to cloud-native technologies
🌏👉 asecurecloud: choose from a free library of 600+ customizable AWS security configurations and best practices available in CloudFormation, Terraform and AWS CLI
🌏👉 FullHunt: attack surface intelligence
🌏👉 PublicWWW: source sode search engine
🌏👉 quackr: temporary phone numbers for verification